
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

4 Tips to Prepare Your Child for His First Dental Visit

You want to set your child up with good dental hygiene habits that’ll last a lifetime.

The only problem is that you’re probably not that crazy about going to the dentist yourself – and chances are your child isn’t going to relish the prospect either.

With experts advising their first dental visit occurs within 6 months of the first tooth appearing, or before their first birthday, you need to prepare them early for this experience.

But never fear.

Follow our 4 tips, and you can prepare your child for their first dental visit – and make it as painless as possible for all involved!

1. The Earlier the Better

As mentioned at the outset, the earlier you take your child for the first dentist appointment, the easier it will be for everyone!

It will help your toddler to feel relaxed in the setting – it won’t be a new scary place that they first encounter when they are older and more aware of their surroundings.

Get them used to sights and smells by meeting that first year deadline.

2. Role Play First

Role play is a fantastic way to prepare for many of life’s daunting events, and going to the dentist is no different.

Get them to come equipped with their toothbrush, lie them back on a recliner and talk them through what to expect. You can even get a little mirror to show them what the dentist will do.

That way when they’re placed on the chair for the first time, there’ll be a degree of familiarity to the whole experience.

3. Don’t Talk It Up

It’s easy to subconsciously pass on our anxieties to our children and build up the event of baby’s first dental visit into a big deal in their minds.

So be careful to be nonchalant in the way you talk about it. Going to the dentist is the most natural thing in the world – and a vital part of maintaining good health.

Your relaxed approach the whole experience can help them to see that it’s not a big deal and nothing to be frightened of.

4. Start Good Habits Early

It would be a mistake to conclude that because your child’s first set of teeth will fall out anyway, they’re less important.

How you train your child to care for their teeth now will influence their habits for the rest of their lives. In preparation for your child’s first dental visit, get them into good habits.

Make teeth brushing a fun part of their daily ritual – never to be forgotten – and those baby teeth will make way for an adult set they’ll keep in tip-top condition.

How to Prepare Your Child for his First Dental Visit: The Verdict

By establishing good habits, getting in there early and making sure it seems like just a normal part of life, you’ll be able to make your child’s first dental visit a pain-free experience for all!

At Golsen Family Dentistry, we know exactly how to put your child at ease during their dental visit. Click here to schedule an appointment with us today.


Monday, May 21, 2018

The Ultimate Guide to Tackling Yellow Teeth

Do you crave white teeth and a dazzling smile?

You’re not alone! Having whiter teeth is one of the most common cosmetic desires, along with clear skin and a smaller waist.

Having white teeth is attractive because it is associated with good health. Your dental health plays a crucial role in the health of your heart. Therefore whitening the teeth through good dental hygiene is actually good for your whole body.

Let’s look at 4 steps to get rid of yellow teeth.

1. Cut Out Foods that Stain Teeth

Having fabulous teeth comes at a bit of a price.

Red wine, coffee, blueberries, and beets are all known to stain your teeth. If you want a set of pearly whites it could be best to avoid these foods altogether.

Eating an overall healthy diet will reduce plaque build up on the teeth. A general rule is that foods that are good for your overall health will be good for your teeth.

2. Brush Your Teeth Well

Brushing your teeth can sometimes feel like an annoying chore at the end of a long day.

However, brushing your teeth well is imperative to eliminating yellow teeth.

It’s important to brush your teeth at least twice a day for a full two minutes each time. Make sure you’re brushing every surface of the tooth. Don’t simply brush the part that people can see and then call it a day. You should be brushing the bottom, sides, and backs of all your teeth.

Brush in a circular motion and be sure to go along the gum line.

If you get bored easily and can’t stand to just stand there for two minutes, try adding in squats while your brush.

Your leg muscles and your teeth will thank you for putting in that extra effort.

3. Use Whitening Trays

Whitening trays will help brighten up your smile by bleaching the surface of your teeth.

Keep in mind that this is just a cosmetic fix and doesn’t do anything as far as cleaning your teeth.

Whitening trays will typically take 5-7 days before you notice any difference so be sure to start them ahead of any big occasion that you want whiter teeth for.

4. Use Whitening Tooth Products

There is no shortage of tooth whitening products on the market.

You can buy special toothpaste that has whitening capabilities as well as mouthwash.

Always follow a set dental routine of brushing, flossing, then mouthwash. If you keep this up every day while using whitening products you’ll notice a difference in no time.

Follow These Tips to Eliminate Yellow Teeth

If you follow these four tips you’ll be seeing a whiter smile within weeks.

Proper dental care might seem like a hassle but once you get used to it you will crave the clean mouth feeling it gives you.

Avoid high sugar foods and foods that are known to stain the teeth and if you do eat these foods be sure to brush right away.

Have questions about this article? Please contact us here.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

What Are Veneers? Here are 4 Benefits to Consider

Are you hiding your smile from the world? Do you freak out when you have to speak in public? Maybe going as far as to cover your mouth with your hand?

You should look into veneers. Tooth issues happen in life and you shouldn’t suffer from it. A veneer consultation is the first step back towards confidence.

But what are veneers? Not sure they’re for you? We’ve put together this guide to veneers and their benefits below.

What are Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are ceramic devices that hide teeth defects. These thin sheaths of medical-grade porcelain create a “new” tooth surface.

Veneers hide defects and the process is quick with no recovery time. At the first appointment, the orthodontist will make a mold of your teeth to create personalized veneers.

At the second appointment, they’ll fit the veneer over your defective tooth (or teeth) and you’ll be on your way. s

Benefits of Veneers

Veneers are less complex to apply and wear than crowns, which can easily pop off. They’re cheaper and don’t turn your mouth into a silver or gold grill.

They’re made to blend in with your natural teeth, so no one will know you got work done.

They’re Made for You

One of the best things about dental veneers is that they’re made just for you. A dentist can make you a new row of teeth or fix one problem area.

They cover things like misalignment, cracked teeth, large gaps, chips, and unsightly discoloration.

Your dentist will color match your teeth or you can combine your veneers with a teeth whitening treatment.

They Last

What are veneers going to cost you in the long run?

Thankfully, with proper treatment, porcelain veneers last up to fifteen years.

“Proper treatment” isn’t anything special or expensive, but things like

  • Not chewing hard things (plastic pen caps, nails, jawbreakers)
  • Actually flossing regularly
  • Using soft-bristled toothbrushes
  • A night-guard if you grind your teeth
  • Routine Checkups
  • Non-fluoride toothpaste
  • Avoiding tobacco products

Basically, you treat your veneers like your existing teeth. It’s as easy as that.

They’ll Increase Your Confidence

The first thing people stop doing when they’re unhappy with their teeth? Smiling. Porcelain veneers can bring your smile back and even some happiness.

Yes, that’s right. Smiling (even if you force yourself) tricks your brain into thinking you’re happy.

Getting veneers can bring back your confidence allowing you to show the world your beautiful smile.

You Can Finance

If you don’t have dental insurance or they don’t cover aesthetic services, no worries. Our clinic works with clients to create affordable and realistic payment plans.

While any aesthetic-based medical procedure can seem expensive at first, think of it as an investment in yourself. Could you do more at work if you weren’t worried about showing your teeth?

Would you present your ideas with more pride? Being more confident in yourself can lead to a better performance and more success!

Finished Product

If you looked at random smiles off the street, you wouldn’t know who had veneers. They’re that natural and as long as you have an experienced Dentist, you can’t go wrong!

Now that you have the answer to the question, “What are veneers?” Stop in and let us help you with your smile.
